Our Crown jewel is our Team

Dr. Carolina Benalal, DDS, Co-Founder, and CEO .is a dental practitioner with35+ years of experience in dentistry, implantology, and prosthetics. She handles all the dental-related details, is in charge of quality assurance, and conceptualizes the applications — She dreams of the solutions she would have loved to have during her years of practice.
Stéphane Gay, Co-Founder and CFO with extensive experience in corporate finances and top-tier management skills. He is the patriarchal figure who keeps things in order … well, kinda…

Katya Bachrouche, co-founder and product manager. Olympic swimmer-turned-product manager and user experience enthusiast with nearly ten years of experience in the tech industry. After four years with GoDaddy, she jumped back into the startup world to help grow her preinto its current platform through her experience with UX architecture, technical integrations, and overall feature development. She thrives under pressure and never shies away from a challenge.

Advisory Board

Alexandra Bitaine brings her experience as a millennial sales director in the Californian startup world as well as her extensive exposure to recruitment processes, team building and managing.
Pr. Marc Bolla, DDS- PhD is a well-renowned professional in the French dental world offering day in, day out, advice, and constructive criticism to help guide towards a well-rounded product.
Yann Fourneau is Vice President Global Sales & Distribution at Gameloft bringing to the table invaluable input as a digital sales strategy advisor.
Dr Richard Klein, DDS is a US-based dentist with 40+ years of dental group practice ownership. His extensive business development experience as a serial entrepreneur and his knowledge of the US dental market adds to our depth of collective intelligence…


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